Lily Podger Lantern Installation Workshop
This workshop is now FULL. But don’t worry! You can still participate in a lantern workshop - our resident artist Lily will be teaching free form lantern Making for lanterns that will be displayed along with the installation, but which participants can take home after the festival.
Found out more and tickets here:
2-16 September
Kipara Tropical Retreat
Jubilee Pocket
Call to the artist community
You are invited to join 2021 resident artist Lily Podger to assist in making this year’s art installation in the two weeks leading to the festival from 2-16 September at Kipara workshop in Jubilee Pocket. Come for a half day, day or stay for two weeks.
Help create a huge dreaming mermaid who will be lounging under the magnificent fig tree at Fairy Tree Park blowing lantern bubbles which reflect our festival theme: art<>place.
Lily has been creating large lanterns, puppets and fire drawings in festivals throughout Australia for 25 years. Starting in the 90s with the Whale Festival Hervey Bay where Lily lives.
Lily was Lantern making facilitator for numerous festivals including Woodford Folk Festival, Canberra Festival, Tall ships Festival Hobart and the Brisbane Millennium celebration. . Currently Lily has been the assistant artistic director of Woodford Folk Festival Fire event and currently is Director of the“Fire Department”: maker of main images, and facilitator of fire image workshops at Woodford.
In 2018 and 2019 Lily was the image maker at dark MOFO and Bleach Festival Gold Coast Opera.
Register here to work with Lily on this year’s lantern art installation
We will get in touch with you nearer to the event with more details!